Haven’t been here lately.  So busy!  We’re almost to the end of the school year and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel for all the activities.  So excited to not be living in my van anymore!

We decided to do a garden plot at our local community garden again so I’ll be posting about that soon enough.  Also going to clean out our freezer so I can do some once a month cooking and I’ll post about that later.  My goal is to get back to more homesteading posts.

But for now, I thought I’d do a little weight loss update.  I actually haven’t lost any weight.  I bought a new scale so that I would have one here at home and it weighs heavier then the one at the gym so the couple pounds I did manage to get off had to be marked back on.  But now I will have a steady way to track my weight.

But the inches!!!  Oh the inches have been disappearing.  I just measured today and was shocked.  Here’s hoping for the smaller shorts I bought fitting by the end of June!

Bust: 3″

Waist: 4.75″

Hips:  2″

Fat Roll:  3.5″  (This is that spare tire around my belly button.  I measure the smallest part of my waist for my waist measurement.)

That is a total of 13.25″ since January!  And no weight lost!  Deciding if I should go to the doctor for some advice but I think I will wait another month.

I’ve been still running and doing bodyrock once or twice a week.  I’m also following My Fitness Pal and tracking my calories.  No wonder I got fat!  Anyone on My Fitness Pal can feel free to add me!  jessicarthibodeau

Enjoy the rainy day and have a great Mother’s Day weekend!