New Years Resolutions for 2013

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I wasn’t going to have any resolutions this year. I always end up disappointed by January 15th. But I decided why not? Here’s the list!

~Get healthy. Notice I did not say lose certain number of pounds. Between turning 30, spending the last few months feeling like something the cat drug home and feeling overall down about myself, I’m going to get healthy.  This will include more physical activity, more whole foods, less junk and sugar.  This will also include adding more green/natural cleaning items in our home and making our home a healthier place for all of us.

~Get organized.  I need so much help!  We still have numerous boxes piled in our bedroom that need to be unpacked.  We moved to a bigger house, but I still feel like the clutter is closing in on me.  I’ll be following  I’ll keep you posted!

~Get financially ahead.  As soon as the house is figured out in the next few weeks, I’ll be pulling out the sewing machine and am going to start sewing and selling.  I had ZERO luck finding work before Christmas and I need something that I can do at home with the kids so I’ll see how I do.  We are keeping our heads above water right now, but are never going to get ahead if I don’t bring in some extra money.  Even $100 extra a month would be a huge deal to us.

~Do more fun things as a family.  Last year was a tight year money wise, so we didn’t get to do a lot with the kids.  Just to drive somewhere to do a cheap/free activity was enough for us to stay home.  This year we are putting some extra pennies aside and going places!  First activity is to rent some snow shoes and go outside to play!


So there they are!  As another goal is to keep up with this blog, I’ll be keeping track of my progress right here.

What’s your New Years Resolutions?

Update and a Quick Recipe!

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So quick update:  We’re moving!  Just to a rental house, but still a big step towards a house of our own.  It’s a big OLD farm house and we couldn’t be more excited.  Only downfall is that we move on December 15.  A little scary, but doable.

Now onto the recipe!  I was on YouTube the other day and was watching my favorite VLogger and had to share this recipe!

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